Call for Papers
ISVC seeks papers describing contributions to the state of the art and practice in the broad field of visual computing. The symposium is structured around the four central areas of visual computing:
- Computer Vision
- Computer Graphics
- Virtual Reality
- Visualization
Papers that span multiple areas are particularly encouraged. In addition to the main symposium, we are soliciting papers for several special tracks related to ISVC. In submitting your paper, you should also check whether it might be a good fit for any of the special tracks being organized this year.
Area 1: Computer Vision
Computer vision, the study of enabling computers to understand and interpret visual information from static images and video sequences, is expanding rapidly throughout the world. During the past ten years, computer vision has grown from a research area to a widely accepted technology, capable of providing dramatic increase in productivity and improving living standard. We are seeking papers covering both the theory and applications of computer vision. Topics of interest include all aspects of computer vision including, but not limited, to the following areas:
- Early and Biologically-Inspired Vision
- Color and Texture
- Illumination and Reflectance Modeling
- Segmentation and Grouping
- Object Recognition/Detection/Categorization
- Motion and Tracking
- Video Analysis and Event Recognition
- Biometrics (Face, Fingerprint, Hand, Iris, etc.)
- Pattern Recognition
- Statistical Methods and Learning
- Deep Learning
- Big Data
- Document Analysis
- Medical Image Analysis
- Image and Video Retrieval
- 3D Reconstruction
- Shape from X
- Physics-Based Modeling
- Image-Based Modeling
- Computational Photography
- Human-Computer Interfaces
- Vision for Graphics
- Vision for Robotics
- Sensors and Systems
- Secure Image/Video Communication
- Image/Video Encoding/Compression
- Applications
Area 2: Computer Graphics
Advances and breakthroughs in computer graphics have made visual media the basis of the modern user interface. It is clear that graphics will play a dominant role in the way people communicate and interact with computers in the future. ISVC seeks original research and applied papers in all areas of computer graphics. Topics of interest include all aspects of computer graphics including, but not limited, to the following areas:
- Geometric Modeling
- Physically Based Modeling
- Geometric Computing
- Shape and Surface Modeling
- Graphics Algorithms
- Web Based Graphics
- Perceptual Aspects of Computer Graphics
- Computer Animation
- Special Effects
- Multimedia and Digital Media
- Computational Photography
- Image-Based Computer Graphics
- Rendering Techniques
- Stylized Rendering
- Global Illumination, Photo-Realistic Computer Graphics
- Volume Graphics, Semi-Transparent Media
- Graphics System Architectures
- Graphics Hardware and Hardware-Related Techniques (GPU)
- Data Compression for Graphics
- Computer Graphics for Small/Large Displays
- Parallelism in Computer Graphics
- Graphic Toolkits
- Interaction and HCI
- Simulation for Computer Graphics
- Applications
Area 3: Virtual Reality
Virtual reality (VR) enables users to experience a three-dimensional environment generated using computer graphics, and perhaps other sensory modalities, to provide an environment for enhanced interaction between a human user and a computer-created world. ISVC seeks original research and applied papers in all areas of virtual reality, as well as augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D HCI. Topics of interest include all aspects of virtual reality including, but not limited, to the following areas:
- Augmented Reality
- Mixed Reality
- Artificial Reality
- Real-Time Rendering
- Collision detection in VR
- 3D Interaction for VR
- Modeling and Simulation
- Virtual Humans and Artificial Life
- VR Systems and Toolkits
- Collaborative Virtual Environments
- Tele-collaboration
- VR System Architecture
- Multimodal Displays
- Projection and Display Systems
- Human Computer Interaction
- Presence and Cognition
- Integration of VR and Multimedia
- Immersive Gaming
- Multi-user and Distributed VR and gaming
- Serious Games
- Haptics, Audio, and Other Non-Visual Interfaces
- Tracking and Sensing
- Human Factors
- User Studies and Evaluation
- Hardware Devices
- Applications
Area 4: Visualization
The field of visualization seeks to determine and present underlying correlated structures and relationships in both scientific (computational and medical sciences) and more abstract datasets. The prime objective of the presentation should be to communicate the information in a dataset so as to enhance understanding. Topics of interest include all aspects of visualization including, but not limited, to the following areas:
- Visualization Taxonomies and Models
- Information Visualization
- Scalar, Vector, and Tensor Visualization
- Multi-dimensional and Multi-Resolution Data Visualization
- Time Series Data Visualization
- Medical Data Visualization
- Molecular Data Visualization
- Geographic Data Visualization
- Volume Visualization
- Flow Visualization
- Large Scale Data Set Visualization
- Collaborative and Distributive Visualization
- Isosurfaces
- Rendering Techniques
- Visualization Systems
- Visual Analytics, Visual Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Display and Interaction Technology
- Human Perception and Cognition
- Human Factors
- Haptics for Visualization
- Evaluation and User Studies
- Hardware for Visualization
- Mesh Techniques and Compression
- Applications